Easy Vape Vaporizer E Z V Deluxe Dry Herb White
Easy Vape Vaporizer E Z V Deluxe Dry Herb White
The Easy Vape is a box style vaporizer with kind of a modern minimalist touch. It has a ceramic heating element as well as "glass on glass" components to produce very high-quality vapor. The vaporizer heats up in temperature ranging from 200°F to 400°F in 2 minutes.
Easy Vape Digital is a desktop vaporizer with straightforward and hassle-free operation. It lives up to its name. The device vaporizes your dried herb into delicious vapor in less than 2 minutes, thanks to the ceramic heating chamber and glass-to-glass air path.
Unlike many other desktop vaporizers, the Easy vape Digital is made of durable plastic, which is heat and impact resistant. It is very light (1.9 grams) as it isn’t made of wood, so you take it easy with you. But do not forget that it remains a desktop vaporizer, so it has a cord.
The vaporizer, which is 12cm by 9cm by 15cm, is available in 6 colors:
- Red
- Blue
- Black
- Silver
- White
- Yellow
Hands-free mode
It contains a ceramic heat element that results in pure and full vapor. You can inhale these clouds hands-free via the whip. When you draw, the whip changes color. The whip, which consists of a glass wall and mouthpiece, is held in place by a glass connection. By using glass on glass, your vapor will remain extra pure.
Digital temperature setting
The Easy vape can digitally set the temperature between 200°F to 400°F with 2 degrees range, by simply turning the knob. It displays both the thermometer readout as the temperature dial. Even at the highest setting, the vaporizer heats up within 2 minutes.
Easy Vape Digital Video
Check out the Easy Vape tutorial so you can get started quickly.
What’s inside the box?
- 1x Easy Vape Digital Vaporizer
- 1x Glass Wand
- 1x Silicone Tubing
- 1x Glass Mouthpiece
- 1x Power Cord
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